Anti Aging from the Inside Out

We live an absurdly paced life and overtime we have learned to tolerate buzzing, beeping, ringing, honking, siren’s flaring, flashing lights and so on… But this does not mean our tolerance should be mistaken for acceptance. 

We are not capable of holding two emotional states at one time.  If we are in fear (What if I can’t get to the doctor’s appointment on time?  Will I ever get the loan approved?  Is my boss going to go easy on my latest blunder?  Did I feed the cat?), we cannot be simultaneously in appreciation (That gentle breeze feels like a warm embrace.  I have faith that whatever comes next is right on cue.  If I don’t know what to do, I do nothing.  That sweet lady just let me out in traffic.  Thanks lady.)

A bit of an exaggerated inner dialogue, but the point is illustrated.  Our thoughts in those two oppositional states of mind are clearly evoking two wildly oppositional states of emotion.  One quite literally contracts the very cells of our body, resisting the much-needed oxygen required to thrive fully.  When we hold a particular pattern of emotion long enough in a restricted state, the aging process speeds its way towards illness and soon disease.  Stress is NOT benign. 

Do you think you can benefit from talking to someone about your stress? We have a range of counsellors specialized in treating anxiety, depression and more that will be sure to fit your needs. Visit our counselling options to start today.

Kim Sargent 

Clinical Director 

Canadian Family Health Counselling


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