Love is a Currency
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Love is a Currency

Kim Sargent talks about the space between podcasts that she spent with her Mom on an Alzheimer's journey, until her passing. And how joy finds us... through grief.

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How Joy Finds Us Through Grief
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

How Joy Finds Us Through Grief

Kim Sargent talks about the space between podcasts that she spent with her Mom on an Alzheimer's journey, until her passing. And how joy finds us... through grief.

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When Counselling Harms... And When it Heals
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

When Counselling Harms... And When it Heals

Kim speaks about the tuning fork of our emotional experience and how we can transform the trigger of perfectionism into a call for peace. Our alignment is a practice and we can develop shortcuts known as neural networks to regroup and answer the call to reconnect.

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Perfectionism as a Call to Peace
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Perfectionism as a Call to Peace

Kim speaks about the tuning fork of our emotional experience and how we can transform the trigger of perfectionism into a call for peace. Our alignment is a practice and we can develop shortcuts known as neural networks to regroup and answer the call to reconnect.

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Leave Success to Find Success
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Leave Success to Find Success

Kim Sargent and co-host Hanna Koposhynska speak with Yoga and QiGong Teacher, Entrepreneur and Travelling Mom of 3, Laura Nugent, as she explores the art of reinventing herself in Costa Rica with her family whilst building a second brand in Yoga and Wellness. Laura left behind a successful yoga studio in Peterborough, Ontario and follows her dreams through the beach towns of Costa Rica, finally settling in the mountains to build their dreams amid the hummingbirds. Laura shares her wisdom of well-being, all with a fabulous sense of humour and the very real struggles of motherhood in motion.

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Midland, a Sailboat and a Can of Chicken à la King
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Midland, a Sailboat and a Can of Chicken à la King

Kim speaks about her troubled adolescent years and her return to Midland as an adult to live the summer on a sailboat. Also shared are some insights about journaling and the connection between what we write and how it translates in the neural pathways of our brain.

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A Walk with Alzheimer's
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

A Walk with Alzheimer's

Kim Sargent explores her personal walk with Alzheimer's and her Mother's diagnosis and decline. Alzheimer's is a dreaded disease that plagues nearing 50% of the population above age 85. These numbers matter because we are living on average to 90 and the struggles, even for perfect strangers who might need our assistance, are a very real part of our communities. This disease has taken root 30+ years before the symptoms appear. Let's talk about Alzheimer's. Let's grow comfortable with the conversation and let's make brain health a priority in prevention.

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How to Make Them Love You More
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

How to Make Them Love You More

How to Make Them Love You More?

Well that got your attention now, didn't it? And it certainly is a popular topic in our counselling practice, although often not quite as clear and concise as all that. What we want from another human is entirely dependent upon our ability to give that very thing, to ourselves. In this podcast, Kim explores building the habit of self-love as a means to showing the brain just exactly how it's done.

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ADHD and the Chaotic Childhood
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

ADHD and the Chaotic Childhood

Kim's podcast connects the chaos of childhood to the habits formed in an ADHD brain.  While these snack-sized podcasts aren't meant as treatment or to diagnose, their value lies in broadening perspective and inspiring tools for change. 

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Hooked on Emotions
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Hooked on Emotions

We are all hooked on the way we feel as the fuel we use to operate our daily lives. Sometimes we get hooked on emotions that run our nerves ragged and we feel reckless, depleted or even shut down completely. But we can also get hooked on happiness. Our brains are chemical factories and our bodies run on this fuel day and night, so it's a beautiful thing to learn just what fuels you.

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Grow Happy® and The Blue Atlas Project Unite!
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Grow Happy® and The Blue Atlas Project Unite!

Kali Kirkendall, Executive Director shares the birth of The Blue Atlas Project and its latest efforts to address food security in Abacos, an island chain destroyed by Hurricane Dorian. Blue Atlas Project provides infrastructure support and training to create, cultivate and strengthen the connection to local food systems for all persons in a community recovering from a disaster.

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It's a Matter of Life and Death
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

It's a Matter of Life and Death

Kim introduces the conversation of death and dying following a recent at-home palliative care experience with dear friends.  There is immense beauty in this sacred space.

How can we do better with this conversation?  While various cultures within our Canadian borders do very well with death and dying, for the most part, we fall silent.  We're too uncomfortable and afraid of saying something that might cause pain.  What if we opened up the conversation and fumbled our way through, in spite of our discomfort?  We can do better with this conversation.

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Litigation and Recovery
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Litigation and Recovery

A more personal commentary on the contrast of litigation and recovery, two opposing forces at play when dealing with a car accident and return to health. Not content of an uplifting variety, but perhaps of some benefit to someone in similar circumstances. Otherwise, this podcast is best skipped.

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Kim Sargent speaks with Blaze Scwaller about Burnout
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Kim Sargent speaks with Blaze Scwaller about Burnout

Former Tattoo Artist and Full Spectrum Feeling Podcast Host Blaze Schwaller talks about Burnout in this episode of Emotional Health Matters.

What is burnout all about? More importantly, how can you find help and learn to do things differently? Learn to adopt "Permission Granted", and change your life's trajectory.

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Boundaries. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Boundaries. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

We hear an awful lot about boundaries these days, but are they what's best for our health and happiness? We invest a lot of time and energy into our mental health, but are we missing something? Can boundaries close us off from connection? We'll explore the flip side to boundaries in this episode of Emotional Health Matters.

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Mental Health and Clutter
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Mental Health and Clutter

Krista Brailey is the former owner of Recreate Space and while she's gone onto bigger and brighter projects, she provides valuable insights as to why clearing our clutter is important for our mental health. Kim and Krista explore the madness of stuff in this episode of Emotional Health Matters.

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Parenting 101
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Parenting 101

Parenting doesn't come with a manual, nor should it. You and your children are just the perfect amount of different and we want you to stay that way. But are there a few philosophical and practical bits that might just help you find your groove

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Finding Purpose & Project H
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Finding Purpose & Project H

Finding Purpose is about sourcing our clean-burning fuel. Our emotions are what run the show. If we're hooked on a low crude-oil variety like Despair, Fear, or Anger, we're not feeling so inspired. When we find purpose, we're hooked on happiness. Kim explores her own past passions, stripping away what is no longer relevant and re-inventing the present. Learn also about Project H and its mission to make East City Peterborough the Healthiest Happiest most Harmonious Village on Earth by 2030. Hint: Think small. But enviable, scaleable small.

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Ashley Jo Brewer, Founder of It Could've Been Me
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Ashley Jo Brewer, Founder of It Could've Been Me

Finding Purpose is about sourcing our clean-burning fuel. Our emotions are what run the show. If we're hooked on a low crude-oil variety like Despair, Fear, or Anger, we're not feeling so inspired. When we find purpose, we're hooked on happiness. Kim explores her own past passions, stripping away what is no longer relevant and re-inventing the present. Learn also about Project H and its mission to make East City Peterborough the Healthiest Happiest most Harmonious Village on Earth by 2030. Hint: Think small. But enviable, scaleable small.

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Holiday Madness
Kim Sargent Kim Sargent

Holiday Madness

The holidays can create an intensity of emotion we'll call madness. A quick look at where the triggers lie and a few tips to settle things down. Remember, you can reinvent yourself any time you like. What do you want for Christmas?

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